2012 OUHSC Health Dash What a Night!

Dear Friends,It started out as an idea. When I heard that the OU Health Science Center was going to donate all of the proceeds from their "Health Dash" to benefit the work of The King's Klinic I thought we should get behind the effort. An email was sent out. Folks responded, "I'm in!" In the back of my mind I wondered how many of those who said, "I'm in!" would actually show up. I was overwhelmed, when I arrived about 7:15, to see so many BCC folks already there with smiles on their faces and hugs to greet everyone as arrived.I had never run the Health Dash before, but it didn't take long after the starter's gun went off to realize that it was going to be one long run filled with hills. I HATE HILLS!! They make my legs and lungs burn like they are on fire. When I get in a tough spot in a race I usually "dial up" Philippians 4:13. You know the verse. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I usually repeat that reminder to myself until I get through the tough spot. Last night, I was quoting Philippians 4:13, Joshua 1:8-9, I Corinthians 9:27, and others just to help me get up that hill that seemed like it was four miles long!I don't think I would have made it through the race if it hadn't been for those reassuring Scriptures to motivate me to press on. Along with the motivation from God's Word I had additional support: There were those around me who refused to quit. They encouraged me to keep going with their encouragement. I bet there were others who experienced the same thing I did.There is a real lesson to learn from what we experienced. "Hills" are not confined to running courses. Hills fill the course of life don't they? They make our heart race. They press us to the point of wanting to quit, thinking we can't go on, and we need the support and encouragement of God's Word as well as others to press on. Let's keep running. Let's keep cheering each other on. Let's press it all the way to the finish line!


Nothing But The BloodHebrews 9:11-15


Let's Run For a Great Cause Friday, March 30, 8 pm