Academic Mentors Join the Team

make-a-differenceTuesday, January 13th, begins our first day of academic mentoring in the BCC Learning Center!Why am I excited?I'm excited because, as a church, we have the privilege of being involved with students and families on a truly grassroots level. We are involved in their lives during formidable years. We get to speak life into their hearts, and wisdom to their minds. We get to help lift them up to heights they never imagined they could reach!Every Tuesday & Thursday we meet with our Study Buddies (1st - 5th grade) from 3:30pm - 5pm and our MidHi students (6th - 12th grade) from 6pm-8pm.And just in case you were wondering, THE GOSPEL is a part of everything we do.We aim to EMPOWER through EDUCATION for ETERNITY!! To join our team just contact Tre' Clark our Community & Education Pastor (405) 521-7814 or  


Unwilling to Believe John 8:21-30


"And One Last Thing..." Romans 16:17-20