Barb Munneke & Ralph RogersMentor SpotlightBCC Learning Center

IMG_1577It's impossible to accomplish what happens in the Learning Center each week without the true, authentic, and God-honoring love shown by the faithful mentors who have committed their lives to serving our youth.The Learning Center, made up of Study Buddies (1st-5th grade), and Mid/Hi (6th-12th grade), is built upon three E's: Empowerment, Education, and Eternity. These E's are woven into everything we do in this ministry. The great thing about the folks who share their lives with our youth each week is that - "EMPOWERING youth through EDUCATION for ETERNITY" comes very naturally.Case in point:Barb Munneke and Ralph Rogers have been serving our youth in Study Buddies for several years now. They both display an undaunting passion to see kids living full, successful, and God-honoring lives. Just about anybody can agree to tutor a struggling student, but what happens when that student lets you into their world? A world with a trail of heartbreak and disappointment as long as I-40. A world filled with struggle. Do you turn to that kid and say, "I'm sorry to hear that, but we have to finish your homework?"20120217-DSC_1398That's not at all what Barb and Ralph have done. When our  kids open the door of their hearts to Barb and Ralph, they walk right into whatever that child is dealing with.  They pour themselves out to these kids in unexplainable ways. This is not something you can teach. It has to be in you for it to come out when it's needed and it starts with knowing the love that Jesus has for you personally. Not only are Barb and Ralph teaching kids how to read and count. They are showing them what Jesus looks like. Anyone can talk about God and what He wants, but when your life has been truly impacted by the love of God, you live with a purpose to see others enjoy the fellowship you have with Him. Thanks Barb and Ralph. Thanks for worshipping our God through serving our youth.LOVE GOD. LOVE OTHERS.100_0220If you ever get bored with your life, if you ever start looking for more out of your investments, I strongly encourage you to follow in the footsteps of Barb and Ralph and join them on Tuesdays and Thursdays serving our youth. Mentors make the difference. 


Tuesday &/OR Thursday

1st - 5th Grade (3:30pm-5pm)

6th - 12th Grade (6pm-8pm)


Caught In The Act! John 7:53-8:11


"He Gives So That We Can..." Romans 15:1-6