BCC Christmas Concert LifeChange Ballroom Presents "Everything"

Good Morning,Sunday evening the BCC Lighthouse Choir presented their annual Christmas Concert with some help from the LifeChange Ballroom dancers, as can be found if you click here. As I sat and watched the kids perform their skit I was overwhelmed with the thought of the trials and temptations that we face each and every day. They are trials and temptations that have destroyed many lives. They are trials and temptations that are in the process of destroying lives even as you read this note. They are trials and temptations that many of us will face in the future. What do we do? How can we rise above them? Who can help us? The answer is made crystal clear in the video.Jesus has come to give us life, abundant life. (John 10:10) He will never lead us astray and He will never leave us. If we can come to know that truth, really know that truth this Christmas, then life will begin to take on new meaning, the trials of life will serve as an opportunity to cling to our Comfort and Strength, and the temptations of life will lose their power as we rest in His presence. Know this, the Gift of Christmas is not found beneath a tree, He was born in a manger, died on a cross, and desires to take up residence in your heart and mine. He wants to be our Everything.


How To Manage Messy Relationships Proverbs 25:16-22


Solomon's Wisdom for When the Going Gets Tough Proverbs 24:10-12