Fall 2008 Bible Studies

Greetings Friends!! We have an exciting line up of classes for the Fall semester and there is still time for you to sign up. Here is a list of classes we will offer and a brief description of each one. If you or someone you know is interested in one of these studies, please contact the church office at 848-2046 so we can sign you up and get your study book to you. We also Sunday morning bible study every Sunday morning at 9:45.Searching the Sermons Facilitator: Mike HaysSunday Evenings, 6:00 p.m.This study is designed to dig further into each Sunday morning message, and mine out invaluable insights while they are still ?fresh on the brain?.The Gospel of Matthew Facilitator: Herman StevensonSunday Evenings, 6:00-7:00 p.m.Workbook: $8Matthew?s unique view interweaves a strong Jewish knowledge of the expected Messiah with a first-hand account of the actual Savior. Matthew demonstrates the qualifications of the Messiah: His miraculous birth, His response to the greatest test of His kingliness, the inauguration, as well as miracles and teachings of His public ministry.Precepts: Isaiah (Part 1) Facilitator: Karen Watson Facilitator: Linda SummersSunday Evenings: 5:00-7:00 p.m. Monday Mornings: 9:30-11:30 a.m.If Jesus, God incarnate, honored this grand and glorious book so highly, then you and I ought to do the same. In Isaiah Part 1, we?ll meet the Holy One of Israel, and learn how He deals with those who claim Him as God but don?t honor Him as God in the way that they live.Promise Keepers ? Men?s Bible Study ? The Book of JamesFacilitator: Herman StevensonTuesday Mornings, 6:30-7:30 a.m.In this short and powerful book, the Apostle James gives us practical guidelines on issues that measure true living faith. Through an emphasis on spiritual fruitfulness, James calls all believers to live a life that demonstrates genuine saving faith measured by Godly behavior. Men, join us each Tuesday morning as we discover more applicable truths for our lives.Grief ShareFacilitator: Lisa CurtisSunday Evenings, 6:00-7:00 p.m.If you?ve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend, you?ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you?ve never faced before. GriefShare groups help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.In the Dust of the RabbiFacilitator: Mike HaysWednesday Evenings, 6:00-7:00 p.m.Workbook: $8Visit ancient times, places, and customs, exploring what it meant to follow Jesus in the first century and what it means to follow him today. Learn how the culture and politics of the first century influenced the imagery and stories of the Bible, and see the Scriptures through the eyes of God?s chosen people, the Jews. Learn how to follow Rabbi Jesus so closely that his dust covers you!Philippians - Christ, the Source of Joy & StrengthFacilitator: Herman StevensonWednesday Evenings, 6:00-7:00 p.m.Workbook: $8The people in the city of Philippi who received this letter from their friend, Paul, were suffering from two of Christianity?s greatest adversaries: self-sufficiency and complacency. While writing this letter from a Roman prison cell, Paul was able to provide a unique perspective on these enemies of our faith, for even as he faced horrific trials, Paul continued to encourage his brothers and sisters by declaring that his imprisonment was reason for joy.Women?s Bible Study Facilitator: Deana BaseyWednesday Evenings, 6:00-7:15 p.m.


Welcome Joshua Ivan Graves!!!


"The People's Prayer"Ephesians 3:14-21