GET READY!!!Summer Buddies

20150204_163225 That's right!!Get ready BCC and OKC for our 3rd annual Summer Buddies math & reading camp!For the past several years we have been serving families during the "off season" so that students can stay in the game academically!Summer time is fun time! And who says that learning has to be boring? I love watching the kids literally run into the building to learn each day! Their faces lite up with excitement as they get into their lessons. Thanks to Myrna Steele, Debbie Sullivan, and Sheri Drwenski the kids we serve are better prepared to start the new school year.For 5 weeks; 3 days a week; 11:30am - 3pm our church will be packed with 20-30 kids hungry to learn!Students enrolled in Summer Buddies will receive a meal each day, they will have a craft time, as well as going on a field trip.The best part about Summer Buddies is that we make the Gospel our glue. A kid may learn to read and write, add and subtract, but if they do not know Jesus then it is all for naught.Student enrollment begins in two weeks, BUT you can VOLUNTEER TODAY to be a part of this life changing ministry!Please fill out the VOLUNTEER APPLICATION.Just email and say: PUT ME IN.  Grace&Peace!Empowerment through education for an eternal reward.Tré ClarkCommunity & Education PastorBritton Christian Churchphn: (405) 848-2046fax: (405) 843-7160


God's Holy Hospital


The Path To Freedom John 8:30-47