Let's Go Meet Our Neighbors!

  Wheat-Bread Hello friends,I am inviting you to join us for our annual Loaves Ministry Outreach Saturday, March 28. Each year we take a large group out into the neighborhood to meet and greet the community. We will divide into teams of three or four and knock on doors in the neighborhood. Our objective is to make acquaintance with our neighbors and offer to pray for their families needs. If you are not comfortable praying out loud, we will partner you with someone who is. After we pray with each family we will leave them with a loaf of bread."It is written: Man does not live on bread alone."  This is a great time for us to be a blessing to the community and invite them to Easter Service!We will meet here at the church at 9:30AM and hit the streets at 10:00. We will have 75-100 loaves of bread and plan to distribute all of them. If we have a large enough group we should be done by noon. If you are going to join us please email me at herman@brittonchurch.com. Let's be a blessing to our neighbors!


In The Garden Mark 14:32-42


Surely, God is Here! Gen. 28:10-16