Love God, Love Others and Shine Bright

20150619_202701[1] The Lord has done some amazing things through the BCC Co-Ed softball team, but last night the experience was truly awesome. As many of you know we do not play in a church softball league, we are mixed in with the rough an tough teams. A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to pray for a man on the opposing team who has a 4 year old daughter (Brooklyn) battling cancer. The scene was touching as the BCC Bombsquad huddled around him and prayed for his family. I have told our team many times, we have an opportunity each Friday night to represent Jesus to everyone on the field.Last night we lost a hard fought game 3-2. In the middle of the last inning the umpire (Floyd) said "Herman we need to do something after the game with both teams, and I need you to lead it." After we shook hands with the opposing team Floyd had us all gather around home plate and told us Brooklyn was in the stands and he wanted us to circle around her and pray. We made our way to the stands and made what started out as a small circle around Brooklyn and her mother. As Floyd was explaining to us the pan to hold a benefit tournament to help the family, the players on the other two fields stopped to see what was going on. They were invited over to the circle and we now had 6 teams and their fans surrounding this family.I led the group in a prayer for Brooklyn and her parents, asking God to be a shield around them. As I was praying I could feel the Spirit moving about the softball fields. There were many sniffles and at Amen I looked at Brooklyn and she had the most peaceful smile on her face. I thanked God for His presence and Him using the BCC softball team to be a bright beacon of light each Friday night. As we were walking back to the dugout I told Dan Hays "you know if we were not out here, that might not happen." What a blessing it is to see God at work in our community. I challenge each person reading this to continue to be a vessel for the Lord to use in all situations. God bless you now and forever!!!!


Dad's Job Description Happy Father's Day 2015


The Shepherd and His Sheep John 10:1-6