"Safe in His Arms" Dedicated to the Children of our Community

Hi Everyone,Today will be a day I will remember for a loooooong time! It's "Resurrection Sunday!" We gathered this morning, with followers of Jesus all over the world, to humbly thank the Father for the gift of His Son so that we might have the opportunity to be reconciled with God.Today was also special because this morning we dedicated the beautiful sculpture, "Safe in His Arms" in the Plaza of Britton Christian Church. Janie Tigert has been a member of Britton Christian Church for many years and it has been such a blessing for me to watch Janie use the gifts that God has given her to create amazingly beautiful pieces of art. It has been Janie's desire to dedicate the "Safe in His Arms" sculpture of Jesus to the kids of our community. For many kids in our community safety is very real concern, but it is our prayer that whenever kids pass by the sculpture of Jesus that they will be reminded that He knows their name and He has promised to never leave them or forsake them. I hope that if you have not yet seen the sculpture that you will stop by the church at 922 NW 91st and see it for yourself.


All God's Children...


Nothing But The BloodHebrews 9:11-15