The "Wings like Eagles Award"

Isaiah 40:30 "Even youth grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on WINGS LIKE EAGLES; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."Living in the shoes of our teenagers now days is a huge task. There are so many things being thrown at them, fighting for their attention. They struggle fitting in or choose to compromise in order to be accepted by their peers. Christianity is definately not the center of topic in the schools, nor is it considered cool to live set apart lives for the sake of following Christ. However, there are still alot of youth who have made the committment to let their light shine wherever he leads. They have taken a stand in their schools, homes, communities and Churches. The youth department of BCC has recognized one of those students. We have decided to give an award out each year to the student who demonstrates the qualities of that of a servant leader. The student who will let their light shine at home school,community and church. It is the "Wings Like Eagles award". This year the Award goes out to Simone Graves, she has been faithful in growing in her walk with the Lord, always present at our Bible studies. She is the one who organizes our praise music and leads worship at the Homeless Mission Church we go to once a month as a youth group. Simone serves as a Junior Deacon, she is one of our student leaders in our Power Station Bible studies to our 5th and 6th graders on Sunday mornings, This summer she will complete her third year at Kids Across America's leadership kamp Higher Ground with a mission trip to Belize. Simone is graduating from Classen School of Advanced Studies. She is the daughter of Renaldo and Trashasans Graves. There are a few awards she has recieved from school; Prudential Spirit of Community Certificate of Excellence, and the President's Volunteer Service Award, she plans on attending Cameron University on a Vocal Music Talent Scholorship and Freshman Merit Scholorship. She would like to have a career in event planning and Missions. We are so proud of Simone.Ray Arechiga


The City of GodRevelation 21:9-22:5


"For Best Results...Follow the Instructions"Numbers 20:1-13