Welcome Kim!!

20150326_163056It's always encouraging to meet people who believe in what we are trying to accomplish in the Learning Center. Some of those people just watch from the sidelines while others jump in to help. Circumstances affect everyone, and many people who encourage us and want to be a part of what we are doing are sometimes met by uncontrollable circumstances, but -

YOU CAN PRAY for us.

Then there are people like Kim Pempin (see photo) who mentors a young 3rd girl in the Learning Center. Kim is a new team member, just about a week on board. While Kim may be new to our ministry, she is not new to the challenges many young people face when it comes to education. Kim shared with me that the young girl she mentors in the Learning Center has many of the same educational and character issues as other young people she knows. This was a personal story for Kim.Kim has had a desire to serve with us for quite some time, but again, circumstances got in the way. Instead of giving up, Kim put the word out and helped find people who could help us.Galatians 6:7 reminds us to "not be deceived: God is not mocked, for

whatever one sows, that

will he also reap (emphasis added).

Thank our God that Kim was able to adjust her schedule so that she could be more hands-on in our ministry. I've known Kim for a very long time and I am assured that the young girl she mentors in the Learning Center will benefit greatly!Kim, welcome to the team!


Devastation To Resurrection John 20:1-16


In The Garden Mark 14:32-42