We're On The Mountain!BCC Hits The Slopes

Hi Everyone,We've been planning and praying for this day since we left Colorado last Spring and now we are back in these incredibly beautiful mountains. Tomorrow morning we will hit the slopes for the first time and all of the kids and sponsors are beside themselves anticipating a day full of snow, fun, incredible fellowship, and taking in God's glorious creation.We have 10 first time skiiers with us this year. Watching the newbies catch their first glimpse of the majestic mountains covered in snow is always a highlight for me. They will spend the first morning taking skiing lessons before we take all of them to the top for their first run down the mountain.I wish you could all be here when they ride up the chairlift for the first time. I wish you could see the fear on their faces, watch their hearts beat through their ski jackets, and catch a glimpse of their trembling anxiety--tremors that are so powerful that they could cause an avalanche. It is a sight to behold.I wish you could be here to watch the veteran kids and adults take a newbie under their wing and coach them, encourage them, and urge them to keep on, press on, and never quit! I wish you could be at the base of the mountain when all of these kids finish their first run and are overcome with exuberant joy like they have never experienced. They will feel 10 feet tall and we will spend the next half a day bragging on their great accomplishment together!Oh, before I go, you are probably wondering if the picture I've posted is from our trip? Well, being the leader, being responsible for the safety of the 37 other skiers, I felt the need to go out and test the snow before the kids ever arrive on Monday morning. After making sure that everything was "OK," I still had a little time left for a little of my favorite sport--extreme ski cliff diving. Is that really a legit phrase? Just so happens that someone was down below snapping pictures. I thought I'd give you a little glimpse of my skills. (I wish!)We want to thank all of you who helped get us here. We could never do this trip if we didn't have lots of incredibly generous folks like you who believe in what we are trying to do with our kids. You have the biggest hearts in the whole world!!It's going to be a great week. Keep us in your prayers. We'll have lots of stories to share with all of you when we get back on Thursday morning. Oh, by the way, be sure an invite all of your friends to church on Easter Sunday.In His Steps,Mike


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